


Welcome to the Doctoral School of Information and Biomedical Technologies at the Polish Academy of Sciences!


The mission of the TIB PAN Doctoral School is the interdisciplinary education of people preparing to independently conduct scientific research in the common area of ​​technical sciences, including computer science, biomedical engineering and medical sciences.

Current scientific challenges in the above-mentioned areas of science require an extended and comprehensive preparation enabling the skilful use of modern research techniques, multi-faceted analysis and understanding of various physical phenomena, biological systems and physiological mechanisms as well as their appropriate formal description at the cellular, subcellular and global level of the organism with the use of modern information and mathematical tools, as well as design and development of new methods, systems and experimental tools.

Young scientists and researchers, after graduating from the Doctoral School, will be prepared to conduct research in interdisciplinary teams and to analyze, present and publish research results.



Systems Research Institute
Polish Academy of Sciences

Institute of Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering
Polish Academy of Sciences

 Institute of Theoretical and Applied Informatics
Polish Academy of Sciencess


Mossakowski Medical Research Institute 
Polish Academy of Sciences

Institute of Computer Science
Polish Academy of Sciences

Institute of Fundamental Technological Research
Polish Academy of Sciences


Research and Academic Computer Network - National Research Institute  

National Information Processing Institute  - National Research Institute






TIB PAN Doctoral School has become part of a unique project supporting the education of specialists in the field of artificial intelligence. Thanks to the cooperation with IDEAS NCBR (research and development center established by the National Center for Research and Development), young scientists will receive i.a. additional mentoring support and scholarships to support their research.

The agreement just concluded between TIB PAN and IDEAS NCBR will provide young scientists with attractive conditions to conduct their research in such areas as:
(i) Intelligent Algorithms and Learned Data Structures, 
(ii) Systems Security and Data Privacy,
(iii) Computer Vision.

TIB PAN is another Doctoral School, after the Doctoral Schools of: Wrocław University of Science and Technology, Łódź University of Technology, Białystok University of Technology, Jagiellonian University, AGH University of Science and Technology and Military University of Technology, which established such cooperation with IDEAS NCBR.

Detailed information can be found on the IDEAS NCBR web page.